Vaccination Requirements
When registering pets for boarding, it is the responsibility of the pet owner to bring current vaccination papers with them. To ensure that your pet’s vaccinations are current, we strongly suggest that you refer to the papers that you received from your veterinarian, or call your veterinarian for that information. To save time when you are checking your pet in, you may fax, email, text, upload them directly into your online profile, upload them from our app on your mobile device, or drop off that information in advance. If your pet’s vaccinations are not in compliance with our policy, your pet will not be able to board with us. The required vaccinations are in the best interest of your pet’s health. All vaccination records should be submitted to us at least seven (7) days prior to any service.
Dog/Canine Vaccination Requirements
We require proof of DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus), Rabies (if the dog is over 4 months old), and Bordetella. Bordetella prevents against canine cough and is not a routine vaccination, so you must ask your veterinarian specifically to administer it. This vaccination must be given at least 7 days prior to your dog’s boarding with us.
Cat/Feline Vaccination Requirements
We require proof of FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivrus, and Panleukopenia) also known as Feline Distemper and Rabies. We realize that some veterinarians do not give a rabies vaccination if it is totally a house cat; however we will not accept cats without rabies vaccinations for boarding because we need to offer that protection for the safety of employees.